
We use leading technology and follow governmental regulations for efficient design and construction. Aiming to adhere to the Department of Energy’s Energy Saver Program & the EPA’s Green Building Standards our homes offer remarkable conservation and carbon reduction. We can also build LEED-certified single-family homes. Examples of products and services we use include:

Green Home builders in Northern Virginia specialize in the use of technologies and materials that ensure a well-built home with a reduced environmental impact. Our team of green home builders includes architects, designers, engineers, and constructions managers. They work together to choose environmentally friendly materials and technologies.

What is Eco-Friendly,Green Home Building?

How to Design Eco-Friendly Homes

Simply put, a eco-friendly, green home has been built, remodeled, or retrofitted to meet higher standards than conventional construction, with the goal of creating a healthier, more resource efficient, more cost-effective home. These homes typically have third party verifications to show that the standards have been met or exceeded. This certification document provides valuable information for consumers.

Certified Green Homes

There are several organizations that provide a standard for green home building and development. Certification by these organizations is sound evidence that the home has been built or remodeled to higher standards. Some of the most widely known and recognized green home standards include:

LEED. Leader in Energy and Environmental Design standards were developed by the U.S. Green Building Council. LEED certification is available for construction and remodeling of commercial buildings, schools, institutional buildings, homes, and neighborhoods.

Energy Star. This is another set of widely recognized standards. Energy Star-certified homes must meet specific standards for energy efficiency, water conservation, and Indoor air quality and health.

NGBS. The National Green Building Standard was developed by the National Association of Home Builders. It is the first residential green building standard to undergo a full consensus process and receive approval from the American National Standards Institute.

Building an Eco-Friendly Home

There are several considerations when shopping for a green home or planning a green remodel.

Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

Energy efficiency is an important aspect for buyers. Utility costs are a significant part of the monthly cost of home ownership. However, an energy efficient green home with low utility costs can be less costly per month than a conventional home. Many buyers today are looking for homes with renewable energy or energy efficient technologies.

Water Efficiency

Water efficiency is another important factor that green home builders in Northern Virginia must consider. Even in areas that don’t suffer from drought and water scarcity, water efficiency is a popular aspect of homes.

Indoor Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality can irate the eyes, nose, and throat, as well as cause dizziness, allergies, headaches, respiratory problems, and other serious health problems. Poorly constructed homes often have issues with moisture that lead to mold and other problems. Conventional home materials can put out harmful gasses, and improperly maintained heating and cooling systems can comprise the quality of indoor air. That’s why its so important to ensure that your new home is fitted with the proper materials and technologies.

green home builders northern virginia

Eco-Friendly Materials & Resources

A really awesome way of building green is to reuse old materials like wood flooring, beams, windows, and bricks. With so many recycled and renewable materials available people have a wide variety of choices to help them be green without compromising on their tastes. One of the most sustainable choices is to makeover an existing home. This option allows for reusing and recycling.

Green Home Builders in Northern Virginia

A home doesn’t have address all these areas but bringing a home to higher standards in even one area can make a big difference. The important thing is that the improvements are in line with your goals and priorities. If you are ready to learn more about green homes, please contact us today.